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marginalized communities


Abusive partners in LGBTQ+ relationships can use similar tactics as partners in heterosexual relationships- physical, sexual or emotional abuse, financial control, isolation, and more. The Human Rights Campaign found that 44% of Lesbians and 61% of bisexual women experience rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner, compared to 35% of straight women. Similarly, 2 of every 5 gay or bisexual men report experiencing intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. 


Voices deeply mourn the loss and lives of all LGBTQ+ people who have been affected by discrimination, hate crimes, violence, and loss of life. Voices Against Violence continues to build a community where all people live in peace, safety, harmony, and the ability to live fully as themselves.


Due to the victim’s immigration status, abusive partners have additional ways to exert power and control over their victims. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, abusive behaviors can look like isolation, threats, Intimidation, manipulation regarding citizenship, economic, or threatening to hurt your children.  If you are an immigrant or refugee in an abusive relationship, you may face unique issues that make it hard to reach out for help.

If you are an immigrant in an abusive relationship you may face unique issues that make it hard to reach out for help. We want to assure you that we are here to listen, and help. We do not require any form of identification or status and provide interpreters. 


A Refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. During the process of leaving the country, they do not get a choice in which country they would like to live. Abusive partners can use cultural ideals, gender-based violence, and language barriers to maintain power and control. Limited English proficiency, compounded with the trauma of displacement can impede a survivor’s ability to access the help they need. 


Voices Against Violence provides free translation services so with every appointment you are feeling heard and understood. We also work closely with the Refugee Center to help with the transition and needs such as food, clothing and help with documents.

people of 


people with a disability

People who are undocumented


African American females experience intimate partner violence that is 35% higher than white females, and they are less likely to use social services, battered women’s programs, or go to the hospital because of it. Facing social barriers and are to afraid to report due to the history of police brutality, racial bias, strong cultural/religious beliefs, and strong family ties where people think that their abuse should be handled in private out of fear of judgment. 


Voices Against Violence operates under strict self-determination, which means you get to decide the path you take. We are here to help, support, guide, but never to take control. You get to decide where your life takes you.

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) provides protection from discrimination for people with disabilities. Women who have disabilities are 40% more likely to experience intimate partner violence than women without disabilities. Victims in abusive homes are more likely to stay longer due to systematic and physical barriers in the community. Abusers will withhold medications, wheelchairs, oxygen, money, support systems, or things that a person with a disability needs. 


Voices Against Violence offers safety planning specifically for people with disabilities because each situation is different. Every person deserves to feel safe, and access to resources in their community. That is what we are here to do.

People who are undocumented may face increased methods to maintain power and control through threats to reveal victim’s documentation status to ICE, not allowing survivors to learn English, purposefully misinforming the victim about laws and rights in the United States. International human rights apply to all human beings regardless of their immigration status. These rights protect everyone’s basic human rights, even if people are not documented, such as the right to be safe and protected by the law.


Voices Against Violence serves ALL survivors of crime, regardless of their documentation status. Voices Against Violence will NOT report people who are undocumented to the police or require background checks. We believe every person deserves to be safe in their own home free from abuse.

ADMINistrative Contacts
     Executive Director

     Director of cLIENT CARE



CALL or TEXT: 208-733-0100

302 2ND AVENUE South
tWIN FALLS, ID 83301
115 West 100th South
Rupert, ID 83350

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© 2019 by Voices Against Violence 

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